
At Transit VII, I was asked to speak in the symposium as part of a sesion entitled "Giving Form: Art between Fiction and Reality". I found it very difficult to prepare for this presentation - unsure of what I could say on the topic that would be interesting or useful to the audience, wondering if I really know the difference between fiction and reality, even problematising the words "giving" and "form".

Skyline, it's up there! is a visual theater choreography of 50 minutes duration.
You'll witness a voyage; from ground to sky, from black and white to color and from tragedy till comedy.



Thursday morning as I was arriving home from Transit 7 (an international festival of women in contemporary theatre curated by Odin Teatret actress Julia Varley), Margi Brown Ash was attending the Brisbane Festival launch at the Brisbane Powerhouse. An impressive program it would seem, but something is amiss, as she describes here in her blog.

7 Jun.     There is much to say about the exchanges and performances today. I will try to say more in the morning but I have just come from a performance by German actress Gilla Cremer. A shocking story told by an exquisite actress. In this 75-minute performance she does not move for the first 30 minutes at least.



Performance Retreat led by Dr Dawn Albinger from Ladyfinger

August 14 – 18, 2013


Taken from my fb updates, a snapshot of the Festival so far...


May 31. Memoria. Achingly beautiful performance.

Not surprisingly I suppose, Transit VII has provoked a profound crisis in me. Just when I thought that I had my life figured out, I took the 'risk' of coming to the Odin to meet, exchange, and learn what I thought would be augmentations to my existing practice. I did not expect that I would start to question my entire body of work - tearing it to pieces to find anything of value worth keeping. I believe, however, that I was meant to come here at this time. That now is the right time to experience this shock to the system.

Loud stomping resounds from the theatre: the participants of Maria Porter and Raquel Carrio's workshop are giving a demonstration and this is the Suzuki part. I am missing it, to wash some clothes and write this post - it's not possible to see and do everything at Transit, we have to miss some things when the programme packs 5 performances and several presentations into each day. We don't come to Transit to sleep, that's for sure - but we do have to wash our clothes and sometimes take a pause to try and digest everything before we can take more in.

Festival de Mujeres en Escena Por La Paz

(Women on Stage for Peace Festival)


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