
Looking for ways to resist the insanity? As well as our artistic activity, we can choose to stop tacitly supporting the monopolistic, data-stealing, profit-driven tech corporations and oligarchs that are facilitating the deluge of misinformation, conspiracy theories and AI slop that is designed to make us feel overwhelmed and helpless! Here are some simple steps that you can take today.

Whose House is This?

Seda Elhan
Tiyatro Boyalı Kuş // Theatre Painted Bird // Istanbul

We are now talking about hopes and fears. It is important not to forget to communicate, and the most important thing is to connect and maintain the continuity of our meetings as much as possible.

Brigitte Cirla se remémore son parcours dans Magdalena Project depuis ses débuts en 1986. Cet article a été écrit en 2022 et publié dans la revue "Women Performing Europe - The Magdalena Project Across Borders".

Brigitte Cirla reflects on her journey with the Magdalena Project from its beginnings in 1986. This article is published in the "Women Performing Europe - The Magdalena Project Across Borders" handbook.

Jana Korb introduces her new space, CircusMühle Kelbra, and invites us all to visit!

I'm not very good at letting go. My natural instinct is to hoard, to hold on to objects that hold memories and to keep odd or broken things in case one day they might be useful. But this last year has been all about letting go and, slowly, I am getting better at it.

At Vinderup, in the old Stendis camp, another Transit has taken place: Poetry in Space; Theatre, women, composition. Geddy Aniksdal reports.

You are all expected in Montpellier, with a joyful passion.

On vous attend à Montpellier, avec joie, avec rage.


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