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Il viaggio

Omaggio a Tonino Guerra

Teatro a Faenza - Liceo E. Torricelli

Bond Street Theatre Travels to Antigua to Initiate a Theatre Program at Oasis Orphanage for Girls

new book for fundraising project

We supposed to start new project for children and youth. Therefore we introduce the book of “Activities For Theatre and Non Theatre People” for our fund raising project to develop our members knowledge and for a theatre production. We invite you to get a copy for you, your school and your organization and help us to success our project.  And also please forward below mentioned message to your colleagues and friends too.

Thank you

Mrs Rathna Pushpa Kumari


National Theatre Institute

Children Skills Development Programme

Sri Lanka

Transit Festival Archives collects documents, film, audio and photographic material about the International Theatre Festival and Meeting directed by Julia Varley.

Bond St Theatre working with Nangarhar Provincial Theatre

Michael and Joanna of Bond St Theatre are near the end of their project in Afghanistan:

"As of this writing our male and female teams of the Nangahar Provincial Theatre have three performances each under their shalwar kameezes! As of this morning our women's team has performed at the Support Center for Widows, the AFCECO safe house for children, and this morning at the Nangarhar Women’s Prison.

Download the newsletter from TEATRO DI NASCOSTO

Exercises on the crossing - National Day C.Re.S.Co. / Coordination of the World of Contemporary Theatre


Jandira Testa, who performed in Para Dores Femininas at Transit VI, 2009, passed away at the beginning of April, 2012. Fabricio from Casa das Fases writes:

'thinking to the city and its culture'

"I chose to speak of L'Aquila, today, through a passage from Valico di città/ Crossing the

with Deborah Hunt & the Jasonites

Due to cancellations, we have a few more places for the workshop: AGELESS GIANTS - CROSSING 1
15 April - 15 May 2012

A one month course and practical intervention led by Deborah Hunt and The Jasonites (artists in residence at Odin Teatret), with the supervision of Julia Varley
