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The 14th journal of "The Open Page" will be published in August 2025 and presented in Denmark, Greece and Spain. The issue includes 18 articles on the theme of "Theatre-Women-Memory".
We are getting ready for an exciting project in Jordan, working with six groups of women in six governorates to create plays that express their problems and their hopes.
All the flowers’ es una suerte de diario que explica los sucesos mientras tienen lugar en su propio momento, más que una acumulación narrativa el hilo conductor es el acceso a la forma impredecible entre los opuestos de una danza arcana y atemporal. Investigación de danza en torno al encuentro con la propia sombra femenina y los cuerpos. suprimidos.
My name is JoJo, and I am the Artistic Director of Workie Ticket Theatre, a female and survivor-led feminist theatre company based in Newcastle, England.
The Minimum International Video Dance Festival was born as a multilevel artistic platform for artists who explore performance as a mixture of artistic supports from a liminal concept that is disposed to a transit that results in uncertainty of the course, about the beginning and end of the work.