
I wondered about the possibility of organising a Magdalena festival here in Munich, whether there might be a need and desire for such a thing. But how to find out, when I'm a foreigner who doesn't speak the language very well and my networks within the local theatre and arts communities are limited?

                                         "... What good and friendly were all the people,.

After the war, were good people. We were all together ... "

From the collected stories of Vialikaye Sialo

We are very glad to share the news about the opening of our OWN SPACE! 

Theatre KH opens its own Space

In February 2015 the Royal Library in Copenhagen (the Black Diamond) will receive part of the original documents from the archives about the first fifty years of Odin Teatret's life.

Se inicia un nuevo escenario de aproximación del pueblo colombiano, específicamente la primera reunión de la comisión de género en el marco de las conversaciones de paz de la Habana. En esta ocasión participaron 6 lideresas de organizaciones de mujeres destacadas en diferentes campos de trabajo y de lucha, quienes llegan a la Habana con una gran aspiración: la paz con justicia social, la equidad, la igualdad de derechos y el cese del fuego bilateral.
Este evento se organizó con la participación de los países garantes Cuba y Noruega, y los países facilitadores Chile y Venezuela.

A brief personal reflection to remember Margaret Cameron and to mark the end of the 49 days of the Buddhist bardo. 


One day I will write here about Margaret Cameron and the impact of her practice, our dialogue and our friendship on my professional life and personal history.

August 8-10, 2014: Belovyezhskaya Puscha, Zalessie, Velikoye Selo.

On August 8-10, 2014 eco-tourist center “Zalessie” and theatre “Kryly Halopa” (Brest) organize PRYZBA-fest.



“A five day workshop based on exploring the building of space around our work, embracing the power of stillness, quietness and presence, and uttering a language born of listening.”


Hello Magdalenas, I miss you.

I've been working on this show on and off for about 6 years and at last this year we have managed to get it on it's feet and touring around the UK. It has been, and continues to be, a deeply fascinating and involving process, again now as some of those we have interviewed start to come ans see the pwrformance, and other related people turn up unexpectedly like the parents of a journalist killed working on Chechnya. The question and answer sessions have turned into riveting discussions on war and peace.


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