
Helen invited me the the Magdalena München Season 2018, to participate in a three-month artistic residence in Munich, in Villa Waldberta, a fantastic place, a wonderful house full of so many stories. It was my first artistic residence, and also the first time that I and Ivan, my son, experienced snow – and its silence.

Helen me convidou para o Magdalena München Saison 2018, para participar de uma residência artística de três meses em Munique na Villa Waldberta, um lugar maravilhoso, uma casa maravilhosa e que carrega tantas histórias...

The inspiration

In 2006 I received an email. It was an invitation to perform in a festival in Denmark. The name of the festival was Transit festival for 2007 January. The theme was “Stories to be Told”. The mail was from the director of the Festival, Julia Varley. As I was reading the mail my heart was filled with great enthusiasm. In those years I was working on story telling with singing, dancing and painted canvas. I thought it was perfect for me to be there. I already had prepared work at my hand.

Can we still be enthusiastic today? The question seems almost indecent, in a world of noise and fury, suffocating with conflict, destruction, and all kinds of unbelievable violence. And yet...

Can we still be enthusiastic today? The question seems almost indecent, in a world of noise and fury, suffocating with conflict, destruction, and all kinds of unbelievable violence. And yet...

Peut-on être encore enthousiaste aujourd'hui ? La question semble presque indécente, dans un monde de bruit et de fureur, suffoquant de conflits, destructions, et autres violences inimaginables. Et pourtant ... Français ci-dessous

Can we still be enthusiastic today? The question seems almost indecent, in a world of noise and fury, suffocating with conflict, destruction, and all kinds of unbelievable violence. And yet...

Peut-on être encore enthousiaste aujourd'hui ? La question semble presque indécente, dans un monde de bruit et de fureur, suffoquant de conflits, destructions, et autres violences inimaginables. Et pourtant ... Français ci-dessous

What is the music of your roots? What kind of music makes you happy?
Music has always been part of my life, that universal language arousing the senses, soothing me and touching me, so intimate and accessible to everyone. So is a toilet. When these two important experiences are combined, they create a place fraught with communication and sensations, reviving feelings, dreams and awareness that our lives are all about encounter, passion, closeness, openness, fear, or goodness.


Last May, I have turned 50 years of professional life, a piece of history that is almost all of my adult life. And even if I don't think there's anything transcendental to celebrate, besides being still standing, thoughts overlap, flashes of memories; the persistence of a journey that, I see it again now, embraces four compact moments that I don't want to be overlooked by memory.

En mayo, he cumplido 50 años de vida profesional, un pedazo de historia que es, prácticamente, casi toda mi vida adulta. Y aun pensando que no haya nada de trascendental que festejar, más allá de estar aún de pie, se me agolpan los pensamientos, retazos de recuerdos; la persistencia de un viaje que, lo veo nuevamente ahora, abraza compacto cuatro momentos que no quisiera fuesen descuidados por la memoria.

Lena and I meet at Magdalena Munich 2018. During rehearsal for "Daughter" of Jill Greenhalgh we talked a lot about our experience with asian heritages (she with chinese, and I with taiwanese one). We understand each other and wish to cooperate somewhere.


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