
In 2016, the theater “Kryly Khalopa” began the project Brest Stories Guide – a series of documentary audio performances in the city space.

This is the presentation of a piece I am working on with a friend - it is private and you are invited - next Wednesday 28 June 6.30 p.m. - Amsterdam @UVA/Universiteit van Amsterdam

This article is my personal journey into DaDa (/ˈdɑːdɑː/), 20th century avant-garde movement developed in reaction to WW I. Dadaists rejected the logic and aestheticism of capitalist society and maintained political affinities with the radical left.

Yo solía ser perfeccionista. Eso no significa que todo mi trabajo creativo se acercara al nivel de perfección que yo misma me exigía, sino que bloqueaba muchas ideas creativas y espontáneas por el miedo a equivocarme, a no dar la talla.

I used to be a perfectionist. That didn´t mean that my creative work was near the level of perfection that I was demanding myself, but it meant that I blocked many creative and spontaneous ideas for fear of being wrong and not having a good standard.

Yo solía ser perfeccionista. Eso no significa que todo mi trabajo creativo se acercara al nivel de perfección que yo misma me exigía, sino que bloqueaba muchas ideas creativas y espontáneas por el miedo a equivocarme, a no dar la talla.

Dear Magdalenas: 

I write to you from the Paris airport; I'm going to Spain, to receive the Jesús Domínguez writing prize, which they will give us for the play "Moje holka, moje holka" (My girl, my girl), written in collaboration with Itziar Pascual and dedicated to the Magdalena Project.

Amaranta OsorioQueridas Magdalenas:

Les escribo desde el aeropuerto de Paris, voy rumbo a España, a recibir el Premio de Textos Teatrales Jesús Domínguez, que nos han dado por la obra “Moje holka, moje holka” (Mi niña, niña mía), escrita en colaboración con Itziar Pascual y dedicada al Magdalena Project.

(English below)



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