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DAH Theatre: A Sourcebook. Lexington Books, 2016.
, DAH Theatre: A Sourcebook. Lexington Books, 2016.
, Türkiye’de Kadınlarla Ezilenlerin Tiyatrosu: Feminist Bir Metodolojiye Doğru. Istanbul: Agora Kitapligi, 2015.
, Performative Gestures Political Moves. Ljubljana: The City of Women, Ljubljana and Red Athena University Press, 2014.
, Performative Gestures Political Moves. Ljubljana: The City of Women, Ljubljana and Red Athena University Press, 2014.
, “When the Spectator Talks Back: The Development of Practical Wisdom and an ‘ethics of care’ within the Magdalena Talks Back Network”, Conference of the Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. Australia, 2008.