
A film produced by Jill Greenhalgh and Sara Penrhyn Jones.

Depicting the Magdalena Project in one film seems impossible, considering its historic and geographical spread, and its multilingual and evolving nature. Magdalena is a thirty minute documentary, created as a collaboration between Magdalena Founding Artistic Director, Jill Greenhalgh, and filmmaker Sara Penrhyn Jones.

thesis by Marisa Naspolini

Marisa Naspolini, the director of Vertices Brasil, has completed her doctoral thesis entitled Moving borders: nomadic subjectivity and interstitial spaces within The Magdalena Project – Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina.

in/Visible Women



Calling Artists for a women in performance event, whatever

 your genre: theatre, circus, song, dance, spoken word




Election Fraud Mitigation Project

Help us get this show on the road!

Fit to Burst CIC

Fit to Burst is a dynamic new theatre company that makes magical performances with heart for everyone. We create visually exciting and moving devised theatre, innovative participatory projects and surprising theatrical events.

We are making our first show 'Last night I met you dreaming' and are looking for investors and venues to support it's development. For more information please see below.


Last night I met you dreaming

Dear friends of WPI and all participants of the Stockholm Conference!
Through the link below, you'll find STAGING SISTERHOOD, the documentary magazine made by FUL, the Swedish feminist artist collective that followed the conference on the very spot. - click on the link in the margin to the right.
It's a 48 pages document, hopefully easy for you

n.paradoxa’s 32nd volume on Feminism, Art and Citizenship is now available.

Archival montage, science fiction, and an homage to 70s feminist filmmaking are woven together to form this haunting and lyrical essay film excavating hidden histories of childbirth in the twentieth century.

Liebe Freunde von Theater Unikate,

heute möchte ich Sie zu einer virtuellen Theater-Reise einladen, denn einige meiner Produktionen sind jetzt zum ersten Mal auf You-Tube zu sehen.

Ein besonderes Vergnügen: WARUM DAS KIND IN DER POLENTA KOCHT - zum letzten Mal hüpft hier die bezaubernde Gipsy über die Bühne. (weitere Links unten)

Ihre Gilla Cremer

Dear International Friends and Colleagues:


