4 August 2025 to 11 August 2025
Stendis Lejren, Vinderup

From 4 to 11 August 2024 a seven-day Transit (mini) Festival will take place at Stendis Lejren, Vinderup, Denmark. The programme includes performances, workshops, meetings and the possibility to develop work-in-progress shared by 20 international participants and the invited artists.

With: Brigitte Cirla(link is external) (France), Dorthe Kærgaard (Denmark), Geddy Aniksdal(link is external) (Norway), Jill Greenhalgh (UK)  Julia Varley(link is external) (UK/Denmark), Odin Teatret(link is external) (Denmark), Dina Abu Hamdan (Jordan/Denmark), (Teatret OM)(link is external) (Denmark)

For 20 participants
Working language: English
Cost: 450 (four hundred and fifty) Euro, inclusive of lodging in shared rooms.
Food will be prepared and paid collectively by the participants.
Deadline for applying: 5th May 2025.
Participants will be accepted in order of application.
Deadline for payment: 10th June 2025.
for information and applications: Programme(link is external)Application form(link is external)

“Sparks of Imagination – Theatre Women Intention”

Transit Mini Festival 2025

Where do ideas come from? Perhaps ideas are born from the ground we stand on, the sky we fly in, the body we build with, the fog we get lost in, the stories we refer to, the journeys we undertake. The people we meet, the books we read, the sunrises and sunsets we experience, the music we hear, the paintings we see, the dances we take part in, the loves we choose to follow: small sparks can put our imagination on fire. Then the work is accompanied by a sense of rebellion that gives us motivation and impulse, and a capacity of resist that forces us not to give up. We follow different paths to give form to our intentions.

The title “Sparks of Imagination – Theatre Women Intention” is the framework to work practically with the intention of our actions, texts, songs, scenes and performances while developing a creative process. The poetic and intuitive logic of imagination accompanies the concrete steps towards results that should allow spectators to enrich their own imagination and construct their own interpretation. Communication is established not necessarily through understanding, but through images, associations, sensations, revelations, curiosity and amazement in which imagination, rebellion, intentions and resistance play a intertwined role.

Participants and invited artists will confront the relationship between hidden stories, references and starting points, and the perceptible stage presence and dramaturgical structures. All are invited to share work in progress to be developed during Transit Festival.

Julia Varley

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