Convocatoria Magdalena Sin Fronteras V
Life: Group, Theatre, Reality
- Magdalena Without Borders, Fifth Edition: Gathering of Women of the Scene Santa Clara, Cuba: article in The Theater Times by Vivian Martínez Tabares
- Letter from Roxana Piñeda, Festival Director
- Programme (PDF)
- Call for International Participants
- Documentation from Magdalena Sin Fronteras IV (2014)
Call for International Participants
From October 25 until December 5th is open 2016 is open the call for international participant for the International Theater Festival of theater make by women Magdalena sin Fronteras, with the topic: Life: Group, Theatre, Reality; that will take place in the city of Santa Clara, Cuba January 10-20, 2017.
The call is open for 20 participants. Participation includes the right to attend to all the activities in the program, registration in one of the workshops that will be given by the guest Masters, and local transport for all the activities of the festival. There is no registration fee for the festival. The accepted participants are only in the obligation of paying the amount of 550 Euros for their lodging that will cover their stay in Santa Clara for the 11 nights of the festival and three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This lodging will be coordinated by the festival organizers.
As part of their participations participants have the right to make a presentation of their work without technical complexity and able to insert within the participants presentation program that will be held in the same session. This space has the goal to make their work visible and to encourage the dialogue within the festival. Presentations should have a maximum duration of 15 minutes.
Participants must arrive to Santa Clara on the morning of January 10th.
Applications will be received with a brief CV at penelopeadela@gmail.com.
Best regards,
Penélope Abreu
Letter from Roxana Piñeda, Festival Director
Three years can fly by. Three years can last forever. It all depends on the vicissitudes of life; the unforeseen and the things that well-dreamed became real.
After three years, the Magdalena Sin Fronteras is back with more questions than answers, with more doubts than certainties, but with the conviction that work and affection can suffocate all wounds and protect us from bitterness. That's the only reason I work so hard to keep cultivating this gathering space, to see again the faces that resist and leave a path of light, to share each experience with the illusion that others can start to design theirs.
Within the complex economic and social situation of Cuba, we will have to be careful with the size of the 2017 edition and seize every generous gesture of the Maestras that always accompany us. We can't offer you luxuries, but we can offer a very neat organization and a program that respects and worships the knowledge of all the women who will join us because they believe in the usefulness of this sharing of affections and knowledge.
From the 10th to the 20th of January 2017 we will once again flood our city with female theater, voices, and bodies. Under the topic: “Lives: Group, Theater, Reality” the gathering wants to recognize the resistance, to know how so many groups have resisted the ravages of all fires and still create art and memory.
The spaces for discussion will follow the general topic of each artist’s particular story, from a vision that starts from the individual and settles down in the collective imagination.
Workshops will focus on the topic: Weaving, or the act of composing. This topic was born from my appreciation of many works to which it would be of great importance to be able to share that very important part of the trade. To do and to think are two poles that I would like to illuminate in this edition.
The general program is not yet finalized, but we can say already that we will have with us in Cuba: Jill Greenhalgh (United Kingdom, founder of the Magdalena Project), Julia Varley (Odin Teatret, Denmark), Geddy Aniksdal (Grenland Friteater, Norway), Patricia Ariza, Nora González and Alexandra Escobar (Teatro La Candelaria, Colombia), Cristina Castrillo and Bruna Gusberti (Teatro delle Radicci, Switzerland), Ana Correa (Grupo Yuyachkani, Peru), Verónica Fálconi (Contraelviento Teatro, Ecuador), Verónica Moraga (Domo Teatro, Chile), Daniele Santana (Grupo Contadores de Mentiras, Brasil), Mayté Guevara (Argentina), Silvia Kater (Silkateatro Andante, Mexico), among others.
Roxana Pineda
Directora de Magdalena Sin Fronteras
rosa [at] cenit.cult.cu
roxanapineda24 [at] gmail.com
Apócrifas. Teatro La Rosa, Cuba. Dirección: Roxana Pineda
Las Venas Abiertas. Teatro La Rosa, Cuba. Concierto Performático dirigido por Roxana Pineda.
El Dorado. Compañía del Cuartel, Cuba. Dir. Sahily Moreda
Semejante a la Noche. Estudio Teatral de Santa Clara, Cuba. Dir. Joel Sáez.
Hojas de Papel Volando. Teatro La Rosa, Cuba. Dir. Roxana Pineda
Éxtasis. Teatro Buendía, Cuba. Dir. Flora Lauten
Historias bien guardadas. Teatro Salamandra, Cuba. Dir. Ederleys Rodríguez
¡Guán Melón!... ¡Tu melón! El Ciervo Encantado, Cuba. Dir. Nelda Castillo
Si el Silencio Supiera. Teatro delle Radici de Suiza. Dir. Cristina Castrillo
La intimidad de Yerma. Teatro Márgenes, España. Dir. Esther Jérez
¡Ahora! Maité Guevara, España
Recordando a Ina. Domo Teatro de Chile. Dir. Josefina Báez
Gotas de Agua. Paola Luna de Brasil
El Castillo de Holstebró. Odin Teatret de Dinamarca. Dir. Eugenio Barba
Memoria. Teatro La Candelaria de Colombia. Dir. Patricia Ariza
El nombre de esta vida, E.U.A. Dir. Daralyn Jay
Don Quijote, Historias Andantes. SilkaTeatro y La Rendija, México. Dir. Raquel Araujo.
El libro del Espacio. Presentación del proceso de trabajo dirigido por Jill Greenhalgh (Reino Unido), Suzon Fuks (Bélgica) y Meg Ella Brookes (Reino Unido).
Resiliencias. (Trabajo en Proceso) Margarita Espada (Puerto Rico) y Joan Wosniak (EUA)
7 Canciones del Refugiado. Grenland Friteater de Noruega. Dir. Tor Arne
Work Demonstrations
Ruido y Silencio. Demostración de Trabajo Geddy Aniksdal Y Annette Rode. Grenland Friteater de Noruega
Rito de Partida. Demostración de Trabajo de Daniele Santana. Contadores de Mentiras de Brasil.
El Hermano Muerto. Demostración de Trabajo de Julia Varley del Odin Teatret de Dinamarca
Diálogo con mi Abuela, (ICAIC/2017). Guión y Dirección: Gloria Rolando, Cuba.
Estoy viva…lo voy a contar, de Lizette Vila e Ingrid León. Proyecto Paloma (Cuba)
Mensajes desde el Mar. Julia Varley. Odin Teatret de Dinamarca
Escribir el Cuerpo. Cristina Castrillo y Bruna Gusberti. Teatro delle Radici, Suiza.
El trabajo propio del Actor. Geddy Aniksdal y Anette Rode. Grenland Friteater de Noruega
Descubriendo el mundo de la nariz roja. Mayté Guevara, País Vasco
De lo personal a la imagen escénica. Patricia Ariza y Norita González. Teatro La Candelaria de Colombia.
El libro del espacio. Jill Greenhalgh, Suzon Fuks y Meg E. Brooks, Reino Unido y Australia.
Actuando (Jugando) con Música. Gwynn Mc Donald, EUA.
Narrativas escénicas y el trabajo del actor en la era digital. Margarita Espada, Puerto Rico.
Creo, luego existen (Del Yo a los Objetos, y viceversa), Silvia Kater. SilkaTeatro, México