Members of the Magdalena Project Network
Singer and Storyteller, based South Wales
Cano Puga
Actress, director and teacher. Fouder of the group Teatro Kalapatos.
performer-director with a background in cultural anthropology-
--- CENTRAL AXIS IS the search for silence and truthfullness --- PERFORMANCES are mostly related to autobiographic themes that create an intimate, personal+special/spacial contact to the spectator ------ WORKING METHOD is focussing on movement based Improv./Awareness ---TRAINING is influenced by different movement works that have been developed on the basis of Asian Philosophies --- ARTISTIC HOMES of past years: Egypt, India and Denmark. longterm-collaborators: Cantabile2, Nora Amin, Maria Stoyanova and Johanna Devi
I am a playwriter, but also write for film and television. Being educated a journalist to start with I went on to drama and have also directed a few shorter films and plays. Aside my own writing I also teach dramatic writing and creative writing and also do some translating. I feel strongly for networking and the inspiration it gives me when sharing thoughts and ideas with colleagues - therefore I also have been running work-spaces for freelancers for almost almost three decades!
As a interdisciplinairy dance-artist,dance-therapist,painter,writer,Choreographer& Life-Coach,my life path is guided by dance and its power with endless creative ressources and its healing nature to grow and explore life and self-development.
Máster en Artes Escénica, miembro fundador de la compañía cubana Teatro del Espacio Interior, dedicada a la investigación y experimentación escénica, donde además de actuar, escribe y comparte labores de asistencia de dirección durante 16 años, recibiendo entre otros el Premio de actuación de la Asociación Hermanos Saiz. Ha actuado además en varios cortos de ficción.
Actriz, investigadora y pedagoga. Desde el año 1990 integro el grupo Teatro Zótano. En los últimos años me he dedicado a colaborar con pequeños colectivos teatrales en el entrenamiento físico-vocal del actor, en los procesos creativos y en la dirección de puestas en escena, mayoritariamente en espacios públicos.
Nuñez- Delgado
Galician actress, poet, playwright and teacher of English. I´m one of the founding members of the theatre company Meninas Teatro, originally a female company. I combine my acting career with my teaching life in a public Secondary school in Madrid. I consider myself an artist who is in a continuous learning process.
I'm a multidisciplinary artist interested in rites of passage and change. My practise is in 'the art of living'. This involves working as a celebrant, therapist, wilderness guide and facilitator. All of these strands together represent my particular art practise which has been evolving over the past three decades or more...
Festival Voix de Femmes
Voix de Femmes
The belgian biennal Festival Voix de Femmes is a scene for world's arts and cultures borne by women, a place for on move encounters and thoughts combining music, dance, theatre and plastic arts within the diversity of living cultures. During ten days, hosted in residence, artists, singers, musicians, actresses, dancers and choreographers form all around the world run workshops, take part in encounters, play concerts and performances. More over the festival gets together artists from all cultures around the thematic of Cultures in Resistance.
I'm a London based (originally from Sardinia) theatre director/practitioner/academic and jazz vocalist. I've been a visiting lecturer at Central School of Speech and Drama, East15 acting School, Kingston University and more. I've been a touring jazz vocalist and band leader for 20 years. My full biography has been written by author Margaret Busby on wikipedia
Finn is an award-winning playwright, storyteller, director and dramaturg.
Her works are about, for, and are made with women.
Finn is an award-winning playwright, storyteller, director and dramaturg.
Her works are about, for, and are made with women.
I have been involved in the performing arts for over thirty five years as an actor, singer, songwriter, community song leader and teacher and most recently playwright and director.
I'm a Brazilian director and producer based in Edinburgh. My main interests are cross-cultural theatre and performance work and poetry.
Flloyd Kennedy is an Australian actor, writer, director, singer-songwriter, performance poet, voice and acting coach. In the UK from 1967-1996 she took part in the folk revival, performed street theatre, cabaret and fringe theatre, and was Artistic Director of Golden Age Theatre (Glasgow).
Bailarina, creadora y docente en danza contemporánea. Realizo al gestión de mis proyectos entre os que se encuentra un Festival y un Ciclo de Danza para niños.
De Armas
Soy actriz del grupo Teatro del Arca de la ciudad de Las Piedras Uruguay. Con este mismo grupo llevamos adelante una sala de teatro en nuestra ciudad el Teatro La Sala que funciona desde el año 2004. Con mi grupo organizamos dos seminarios con Julia Varley en el 2011 y 2012 y a raíz de estos encuentros, surgió, con las compañeras mujeres del grupo, tratar de organizar un Magdalena en nuestro país. Trabajo en cultura, doy talleres de teatro para niños, y realizando funciones de títeres para las escuelas de la zona.
I am a multidisciplinary artist , researching between new circus, music and fine arts.
I would love to share my projects with ambitioned women and to exchange ideas.
Sono Francesca Danese, attrice e performer italiana di 36 anni.
Smashing Times is a not-for-profit charitable organisation involved in promoting social change through performance, training and participation. The work of the company is underpinned by a rights-based approach and a commitment to artistic excellence and social engagement. The company implements innovative national and transnational projects that promote a range of issues through high quality artistic processes generating discussion, debate and awareness raising in relation to key topics.
My name is Frederika Tsai. I'm theater maker, curator and dramaturg. My interesst is interdiscipiliary performance and work between theater, dance and music. Issues around WoC and Queer in Germany sind topics which I focus now.
My name is Frederika Tsai. I'm theater maker, curator and dramaturg. My interesst is interdiscipiliary performance and work between theater, dance and music. Issues around WoC and Queer in Germany sind topics which I focus now.
Soy actriz, investigadora y directora teatral.
Guionista y conductora en televisión pública -cultural y educativa-
Actualmente dirijo dos compañías teatrales
- Compañía Artes & Señas - Proyecto LenguaHares, teatro y pedagogía inclusiva con lengua de señas (desde 1999)
- Compañía Saludables (desde 2008)
Soy co-fundadora de ADAS, Asociación de Artes y Señas desde donde desarrollamos distintos proyectos artísticos y educativos.
Espectáculos actuales como directora:
Acosta Bastidas
An artist-researcher, born in Machala-Ecuador, she lived in Chile for several years and then migrated to France for studies. He completed his initial training in Hispanic Studies at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Studies on the Americas (IPEAT), a Master in Social, Cultural and Historical Anthropology and a Master of Dramatic Writing and Stage Creation at the Jean-UniversityJaurès de Toulouse-France.
I am an actress an becoming a mester in theater in Rio de janeiro, Unirio. My work is about Laboratório Madalena, teatrer made for women. I would like to get knows abouts the meets here in Brasil! I have lived in norway and i would like to know more about tehe Magdalenas project there! Thank you and i hope i see you there! Gabriela Chiari.
I´m a theater director and i have a bachelor in drama.
i´m the baalits producctions ´director. actress, and drama writter.
Acosta Bastidas
An artist-researcher, born in Machala-Ecuador, she lived in Chile for several years and then migrated to France for studies. He completed his initial training in Hispanic Studies at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Studies on the Americas (IPEAT), a Master in Social, Cultural and Historical Anthropology and a Master of Dramatic Writing and Stage Creation at the Jean-UniversityJaurès de Toulouse-France.
Schwab Veloso
Deutsch-Brasilianische Performerin (Schauspielerin und Luftartistin). 1980 in São José dos Campos (Brasilien) geboren. Ausbildung als Schauspielerin in der Universität von São Paulo, habe die Tanztheater-Gruppe Companhia Auto-Retrato gegründet, in der ich bis 2005 war und (unter anderen) die Stücke O Silêncio dos Mortos (nach Heiner Müllers Erzählung Das eiserne Kreuz) und Vôo Solo (eine Soloperformance über den Wunsch zum Fliegen und die Grenzen des menschlichen Körpers) entwickelte.
Acosta Bastidas
An artist-researcher, born in Machala-Ecuador, she lived in Chile for several years and then migrated to France for studies. He completed his initial training in Hispanic Studies at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Studies on the Americas (IPEAT), a Master in Social, Cultural and Historical Anthropology and a Master of Dramatic Writing and Stage Creation at the Jean-UniversityJaurès de Toulouse-France.
Comunicadora Social con experiencia en periodismo, gestión cultural y proyectos de comunicación ambiental.
Apasionada por el teatro y la literatura. Exploro el teatro danza y la creación desde mis impulsos, escribo cuentos infantiles aún bajo la sombra.
Galitta Tassa is an unusual singer/songwriter. She was born in Jerusalem and raised with Yemenite Hebrew traditions in a village surrounded by pomegranate trees and a bunch of cats that all had the same name.
I have been running a multidisciplinary company for two years. We try to explore philosophical themes and tales through dance, theater, music, visual arts, poetry and more. Our main goal is to question the social function of theater in western contries, and to create a place where we could try and define that function as well as the performer's.
I am a theatre maker from England currently working in Mexico. I was part of the Icarus project in the summer of 2020 alongside Carolina Pizarro.
I was born and brought up in Scotland, where I live, near Edinburgh. I trained at the Royal Scadey of Dramatic Art, London, where I won the Vanbrugh Award. I’ve worked for over thirty years as actor/writer/director in theatre, radio, TV, film and opera throughout Britain and abroad. My poetry and prose have been published widely, and in 2008 she was awarded a Scottish Arts Council Writer’s Bursary. My play Federer versus Murray, was shortlisted for the 2010 London Fringe Theatre Writing Awards, and was runner up for Best Scottish Contribution to Drama on the Edinburgh Fringe, 2011.
Seit 1987 geht Gilla Cremer mit ihren Solo-Produktionen erfolgreich im In- und Ausland auf Tournee. Sie gastierte in Dänemark, Niederlande, Frankreich, Polen, Ungarn, Neuseeland und Taiwan.Ihre Stücke werden ebenfalls von anderen Theatern adaptiert. Die Rechte dafür liegen bei entsprechenden Verlagen oder bei Theater Unikate. Die Produktionen sind bühnentechnisch flexibel und können sowohl in großen Häusern als auch in kleineren Räumen gespielt werden. Die meisten Stücke werden ebenfalls in englischer Sprache angeboten.
Giovanna Michaliadi Sarti is a Greek-Italian theater and circus performer and trainer and active member of the Multiavctive Art Group “Fabrica Athens”.