Who is killing us?
Encuentro de Mujeres en Escena Tiempos de Mujer
18 November 2019 to 25 November 2019
Quito, Guayaquil, Ambato, Portoviejo y Provincia de Pichincha
We are proud to announce the performances and works in progress selected for the XVI MEETING OF WOMEN IN SCENE "Women's Times 2019".
These are the names and companies that will accompany us from November 18 to 25 in Quito, Guayaquil, Ambato and Portoviejo, in rural parishes and cantons of the Province of Pichincha.
We thank all the national and international artistic groups, activists and cultural institutions that joined our call. We congratulate everyone, because their works reflect the firm intention and conviction that art can build and can be a bridge to see us, listen to us and help us find ways to think and act in front of Who is killing us?