Trickster-p .h.g. in Bucharest
Concept and realisation: Cristina Galbiati & Ilija Luginbühl
Artistic collaboration: Simona Gonella
Sound space technical production: Area Drama Radiotelevisione svizzera
Audio recording: Lara Persia, Angelo Sanvido
Editing and mixing: Lara Persia
Co-production: Trickster-p / Cinema Teatro Chiasso / Teatro Pan Lugano /
Teatro Sociale As.Li.Co Como
In collaboration with: Radiotelevisione svizzera - Rete Due
Supported by: Pro Helvetia - Fondazione svizzera per la cultura / DECS
Repubblica e Cantone Ticino - Fondo Swisslos / Migros-Kulturprozent /
Fondation Nestlé pour l'art / Ernst Göhner Stiftung / Stanley Thomas
Johnson Foundation
.h.g. is a reading – and revision – of the classical fairy tale of
Hänsel and Gretel, in the shape of an installation where theatre and
visual arts merge. The spectator walks through 9 different
physical-sensory rooms accompanied and guided by headphones. Each room
is a world on its own, a passage into universes suspended halfway
between reality and dream: here the mind slips into the imaginary and
the external spectator becomes integral part of the experience. The
installation evolves along the points of rupture and intersection of the
story, in search of the links between the world of childhood and the
world of adulthood. Suspended between ferocity and childlike lightness,
.h.g. strives to be an experience both aesthetical and sensorial.