
i just read the open letter from the festival REVERBE about racism and the euro-centrism of the network.

i am sorry and what can i do to soften the hurt caused are my first reactions.

Can we propose "active" workshops about that within festivals or gatherings.
Written words, above all because we speak different languages, can cause big barriers too!

Am thinking of Jane Elliott long life work. She started in the 60ies - anti-discrimination experiment

I know Anna Yen and James Cunningham with Divo Sock and Sofia Woods,  developed a fantastic performative workshop "Eye to Eye", which really brought up to the surface a lot of old things deeply hidden in me. They were describing it as a workshop process celebrating difference.
Ever been discriminated against because of difference?
Ever discriminated against someone because of difference?
Want to try to walk in someone else’s shoes?
Have someone walk in yours?