Song for Magdalena

In 2016, Sandra Pasini composed this song for the 30th anniversary of the Magdalena Project, and performed it at that year's Transit Festival. Now in the 35th year of the Magdalena Project, at the first online Magdalena festival, her song opened the "Meet the Magdalenas" event and was played at other times throughout the festival.
Click here to listen to the song.
Here is the English translation of the lyrics:
Song for Magdalena
Women who touch my heart
who squeeze my hand
who make me think
who show me the ways/the roads
who tell me : go
who tell me : you are , can, must, now
Look, look up
and don’t stop
above the fire you can fly
and nothing can frighten us
nobody can ignore us
nobody, I say
Nobody can steal us the song and the smile
not even with a scarred face
not even with a covered face
and run like a wolf
hug the child bride
steal the time
a time always stolen
a time of strength
and I bow my head to the child flower
I whisper wings of pine tree
I touch the ground
A time
A time always stolen
A time of strength
and I challenge the eyes who cannot see me
I taste the feline flower
I rip words from the sun
Look, look up
and don’t stop
above the fire you can fly
and nothing can scare us
nobody can ignore us
nobody I say
A time
a time always stolen
a time of strength, forever
a time of strength, forever
Sandra Pasini