Margam Performance-cum-Symposium
22 June 2013 to 24 June 2013
Werkstatt der Kulturen & Indian Embassy, Berlin
Saturday, 22nd starting at 5 p.m.; Monday 24th from 2-8 p.m.
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A Margam Performance followed by a symposium on Indian Dance in a Global Age;
We take great pleasure in inviting you to a.Performance-cum-Symposium June 22nd, 5 p.m.Rajyashree Ramesh Academy for Performing Arts and Dance Theatre Productions presents in collaboration with Werkstatt der Kulturen:Eva Isolde Balzer in a Margam Performancefollowed by a symposium on Art and Embodiment - Looking beyond Exoticismat: Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstr. 32, 12049 Berlin - Free EntryDramaturgy: Dr.Avanthi MeduriConcept, Choreography: Rajyashree Ramesh, assisted by Eva Isolde BalzerMusic: Rajyashree Ramesh, Manickam Yogeswaran & EnsembleSpecial guests: Prof. Shivaprakash (Indian Embassy), Ashish Mohan Khokar (Dance Critic), Dr. Avanthi Meduri (Dance Historian), Prof. Martin Puttke (Ballet), Prof. Phillip Zarrilli (Artistic director,The Llanarth Group)
Eva‘s performance of a Margam, a repertoire of Bharatanatyam choreographies, marks the completion of her training under Rajyashree Ramesh. The experimental movement analytic, cognitive-emotional approach used here reflects a process of translation and transformation, highlighting the trans-cultural, trans-disciplinary potential of dance. Based on the performance the symposium will discuss the changing historicity of Indian dance with invited international dance practitioners and scholars from diverse backgrounds..We are also happy to announce that the Performance-cum-Symposium-event of June 22nd will be followed by an all-day Symposium on June 24th presented by the International Research Center "Interweaving Performance Cultures", FU Berlin in collaboration with the Indian Embassy Berlin:
Symposium June 24th, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.International Research Centre, FU Berlin presents in collaboration with the Indian Embassy Berlin :Indian Dance in a Global AgeIndian Embassy, Tiergarten Str. 17. 10785 BerlinCurated by: Dr. Avanthi Meduri and Rajyashree Ramesh
Keynote: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Brandstetter
Presenters: Ashish Mohan Khokar, Dr. Avanthi Meduri, Prof. Martin Puttke, Rajyashree Ramesh, Anja Weber, Sandra Chatterjee, Prof. Phillip Zarrilli
Showcase performances by innovative young choreographers.