The second Magdalena Sin Fronteras (Without Borders) festival was organised by the Theatre Research Center Odiseo and Theatre Studio Santa Clara, Cuba; it ran for ten days, from 8-18 January 2008.
Photos: on this web site
- Letter from Roxana Piñeda (Cuba), Directora de Magdalena Sin Fronteras (listing participating artists) pdf 40.96 KB
- Letter from Limbo, The Open Page 13, Maria Porter (USA) pdf 35.38
- The Coffee Pot, The Open Page 13, Julia Varley (Denmark) pdf 55.06
- The Coffee Pot and the Next Time, The Open Page 13, Raquel Carrió (Cuba) pdf 54.82
- Some Things Should Remain Unsaid, The Open Page 13, Roxana Pineda (Cuba) pdf 74.71
- Translating & Trascending, Elizabeth De Rosa (Singapore) pdf 41.44
- Report(link is external) by Helen Varley Jamieson (NZ)