Magdalena Bibliography
A new feature on this web site is a Bibliography.
This is the beginning of what we hope will become a large and comprehensive collection of books, articles, videos and other publications about or referring to the Magdalena Project, its activities and associated festivals and activities - a very useful resource for anyone researching the Magdalena Project.
To navigate the bibliography, click on publications then on bibliography. This page lists the most recent additions to the bibliography, and provides a link to browse the full bibliography.
The bibliography is sorted by year, with the most recent publications first. You can search the bibliography using the search field at the top of the page, or you can use the "Sort by" links to sort by Author, Title, Type or Year (the default).
Click on a publication title to see the full record. Click on "Biblio" in the top right-hand corner to return from the full record to the full bibliography.
Click on an author's name to see any other publications listed by that author. Use the back button of your browser to return to the full bibliography from an author's listing.
Contribute to the Bibliography
If you would like to contribute to the bibliography, email for access to enter and edit entries. We would love to have your help, and we are sure that there must be many other publications out there that are relevant to include in this bibliography.