What will happen if each of you contribute with only 1$? We will raise a third of the required sum of money! Does it sound impossible? Let's do the impossible!
We did amazing things, now help us do the impossible!
Dear Friends,
We’ve just released our Indiegogo Campaign .
You all know that last several years we have been struggling to keep our space, and as a final point our City left us homeless.
We always consider that our work was "the light in the darkness", that we should "sing about dark times" and as many spectators said we kept the flame of sanity and beauty through our work.
And now we are happy to announce that a month ago we found a new home!
It’s a wonderful new space that can accommodate our needs and the best news is that we signed a contract and that we can stay in the space for many years to come.
But, nothing is perfect!
Our new space needs to be adapted so we need your help.
And now we are happy to announce that a month ago we found a new home!
It’s a wonderful new space that can accommodate our needs and the best news is that we signed a contract and that we can stay in the space for many years to come.
But, nothing is perfect!
Our new space needs to be adapted so we need your help.
The adaptation costs are 15000€. We can't raise that amount alone.
To achieve this we need help from our friends around the world: can you offer 5€, 20€, 50€, 100€ or more to help reach this goal.
Help us to build a new home where we will be able to host you, our friends, visitors, collaborators.
It could be an island of light in our city! It could be your home too!
Besides donating money directly to our bank account, PayPal or by Moneygram, there are many other ways you can raise money to help us if you are willing to:
It could be an island of light in our city! It could be your home too!
Besides donating money directly to our bank account, PayPal or by Moneygram, there are many other ways you can raise money to help us if you are willing to:
· Organize a performance/concert/ exhibition, in your space/city and donate part of the funds from tickets to DAH
· Use any manifestation that is already in your repertoire and donate part of the funds to DAH
· Put the donation boxes during your programs so your audience can donate as well
· Publicly announce that you are raising money for us and spread the word about our campaign via Facebook, or any other social network.
We have prepared some interesting perks for our donators and fundraisers! Check it out on Indiegogo!
Enclosed you can find payment instruction if you are donating directly to our account, and pictures of current condition of the space.
We are hoping that we can count on solidarity of all of you, our theatre friends that know and follow our work.. We also know that times are generally hard and that need for support is huge and we do understand if you can not support us now.
But any donation would be of great help to us, we shall have one wall with all your names in our theatre. But the best would be that our theatre home would become theatre home for many artists in need and of course for all of you dear friends.
Please, visit our Indiegogo Campaign page, there are more information about the space, what we need the money for and a short video.
Thank you so much for your donations, effort and faith in DAH Theatre!
Best regards,
Yours DAH Theatre
Dijana, Maja, Ivana, Aleksandra and Natasa
Best regards,
Yours DAH Theatre
Dijana, Maja, Ivana, Aleksandra and Natasa
Submitted by DAH Teatar on 15 March 2017.