Her Letters
The times around the world today are seeing a large change – a change that seeks for a respectful survival. In India in the recent times the question about a women's being as she would wish has been at the core of such a debate. Possibly this process needs to meander into all other collective existences precisely because we cannot still vouch for the fact that there is one land where all have this basic right to simply be, respectfully.
'Her Letters' borrowing from Rabindranath Tagore's short story 'Streer Patra', written a hundred years before our times, is an attempt to rediscover Tagore and women within our historical context. It is a gathering of thoughts about a free being of the woman. Mrinal is our protagonist for the purpose. She inhabits in Tagore's short story ‘Streer patra’. She is a woman who is a rebel and in dismay of the inhuman behaviour of people surrounding her. In a letter that she writes to her husband, Mrinal the poet declares herself free from the company of such people including her husband and finds herself merging with nature. She writes, ‘Amio bachbo. Ei bachlum’ – ‘And I shall live. Here, I live.’