Discovering Inner Landscapes

through Body and Voice
8 December 2017 to 10 December 2017
The Open Space Trpoměchy 29, Slaný
Otevřený prostor / Open Space would like to invite you to a weekend workshop with SANJA KRSMANOVIC TASIC

Theatre director, choreographer, actress, dance and drama teacher from Belgrade, Serbia, Sanja has worked as a dance, movement and drama teacher since 1984 . She has devised and produced numerous programs and projects, both educational and artistic, working with young children, youth, university students and runs master classes for professional artists.

COST CZK 3.000 /  € 120 includes tuition, accommodation & meals
The meals are prepared by a cook & accommodation is available in the loft of this beautiful old renovated Sokolska.

APPLICATIONS & INFO sends e-mail) +420 602 322 947 is external)
A practical workshop of physical, dance, devised and laboratory theatre.  We will embark on a personal quest of discovering the possibilities of our bodies and voice, researching movement and actions, sounds and songs, and the way they can be put in a performance context. The workshop is also intended to develop our spiritual and grounded presence, and our awareness and focus.

A one day trip to Prague (30 km away) is included, with sightseeing.


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