In conversation with Deborah Hunt
Reconstruction Women’s Fund
Is inviting you
To join us in conversation with Deborah Hunt
Saturday, November 12, 20h, café bar Tryk, Vardarska 22
Deborah Hunt is a maskmaker, puppeteer and performance artist with over 35 years experience in the creation and presentation of original theatre works, largely for adult audiences.Originally from New Zealand, she has been based for the last 20 years in Puerto Rico, where she has further developed her unique style of of mask and object performance. She travels extensively with her works and facilitates different kinds of workshops internationally.
She is the founder and Artistic Director of Maskhunt Motions, a permanent laboratory for the performing object; a member of the Magdalena Project and member of the North American Commission of UNIMA.
In Belgrade, she is cooperating with art&activistic group Act Women and creating the masks for the performance TIRED! that will be performed on November 25th in 3 p.m. on Trg Republike within this year Campaign “ 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women”.
Reconstruction Women’s Fund is supporting Deborah’s visit to Serbia and inviting you to join us in the conversation with her!
Deborah Hunt
Zoe Gudovic
PR Menadžerka
Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond
Beograd, Vlajkoviceva 15
web: www.rwfund.org