Bridges, the theatre meets the community
Now in its third edition, Bridges was based on the idea of creating a bridge between the theatre and the local community. Offers two parallel spaces – one of the intensive investigation and creation for the actor and/or dancer, and other of interaction and creation with the local community. This year the theme of the Bridges residence is 'Metamorphosis'.
WHERE - Vanzago y Oasis WWF de Vanzago - Milan, Italy
WHEN - July 2nd to 14th, 2018
WITH WHOM - Organized by Centro de Artesanía de las Artes Escénicas (CAAE) and Residui Teatro | Sponsored by: municipality of Vanzago | Trainer invited Keiin Yoshimura | Activities directed by Gregorio Amicuzi and Viviana Bovino
FOR WHOM - Performative arts students and professionals
UNTIL WHEN - Deadline for applications June 25th
CONTACT- info@residuiteatro.it
WITH THE SUPPORT -Associazione Wake up, Riserva Naturale Bosco WWF Vanzago, Associazione Il Delfino Onlus, U.S.D., Vanzaghese Real Mantegazza, Fondazione Ferrario, Arctia – progetti di promozione culturale, Oratorio S. Giuseppe di Vanzago, Delegazione commercianti di Vanzago, Corpo Musicale di Vanzago, Gruppo Musicanto, Coro About 500 and Comitato Valdarenne