Bridges 2019 International Theatre Residence
Directed by:
Gregorio Amicuzi (Spain-Italy) Physical theatre, direction.
Viviana Bovino (Spain- Italy) Theatre, dance, singing.
Guest master: Parvathy Baul (Kerala-India) Baul singing.
Organized by:
Residui Teatro and Centro de Artesanía de las Artes Escénicas,
with the support of:
Oñatiko Udala, Eltzia, Gaztetxe, Gazteleku. In collaboration with: Irazan Antzerki Gunea and Algaraz ikusizunak.
Bridges is an annual traveling and residential theatre laboratory with the duration of 12 days (90 hours of training). Now in its fourth edition, Bridges was based on the idea of creating a bridge between the theatre and the local community. Offers two parallel spaces – one of the intensive investigation and creation for theactor and/or dancer, and other of interaction and creation with the local community.
On one side, the professional participants will have the opportunity to attend an intensive and highly specialized theatrical laboratory that will allow them to expand and deepen their knowledge of different techniques coming from theatrical traditions of both Europe and Orient. On the other hand, the members of the local community where the residence is held will be invited to participate in some training sessions and to take active part in the final show.
In the mornings the professionals will be working in contact with the nature. There they will practice the techniques of yoga, physical theatre, dance and singing, whereas in the rehearsal room they will work on text and practice dance-theatre techniques.
The afternoons will be reserved for creative work, the professionals will use theatrical improvisation, manipulation of the objects, collective dramaturgy, choreographic composition and singing.
The contact with the local community will be established spontaneously, by living the public spaces. The intergenerational exchange is also encouraged during the different artistic activities proposed to the local population willing to participate, regardless of age and health condition. The focus will be put on the cultural trick*, the local traditions and the requests that come directly from the local population.
In addition to this, the members of the local community interested in the event will be invited to participate in the afternoon sessions. In these sessions they Actively join in thetheatrical activities, together with the professional participants. The aim is to create cohesion and connectedness within the group and develop collective scenic material arising from the group.
The creative work will culminate in the preparation and presentation of the final show in the local village (itinerant or in a specific zone of the village).