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I am excited to announce that International Women Artists' Salon will again be a programmatic sponsor and partner of Modern-Day Griots Theatre Company's "See, Hear, Taste, Touch" annual showcase of women's playwriting. Here is a call out for material:
Over the last six months we have undertaken an upgrade of this website, from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7, as well as giving the email newsletter a make-over. The new-look newsletter was launched last August, and now in January 2016 we are delighted to go live with the upgraded website. The upgrade project was supported by the Arts Council of Wales and a donation campaign - thank you very much to everyone who contributed.
Hi Magdalenas! I would like to introduce myself: My name is Beatriz, I am originally from Caracas, Venezuela, but I moved to Spain 10 years ago.
Recently, I had the chance to participate at the Magdalena Festival A Solas in Madrid, and the experience got me inspired to go back to Caracas and promote a Magdalena there.
This is the beginning of what we hope will become a large and comprehensive collection of books, articles, videos and other publications about or referring to the Magdalena Project, its activities and associated festivals and activities - a very useful resource for anyone researching the Magdalena Project.
Stacy Klein, Founder and Artistic Director of Double Edge Theatre, has received the prestigious 2013 Artist Award from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Klein is among only twenty artists nationwide and the only Massachusetts artist chosen by the foundation to receive the $225,000, multi-year grant. The transformative award is intended to empower, invest in and celebrate artists who have demonstrated “thrilling, vibrant work that affects both audiences and the larger performing arts field.”
A limited-edition book documenting the Tantidhatri Festival (2012) is going to be published. This was both the first Magdalena festival, and the first international women's performing arts festival, in India.
El grupo Magdalenas Estación Junín (Mujeres en el Teatro), estrenará el día 25 de octubre de 2013, en la ciudad de Junín (Bs.As) la producción teatral denominada "agosto en la piel". Tema cuerpomujer violentado. Hay un destino, una señal en el cuerpo de mujer. Hay un mandato transmitido a través del tiempo para cumplirlo en todos los tiempos. Hay preguntas que dan lugar a otra y a otra y todas duelen en un cuerpo de mujer.
Elenco: Stella Tuñon, Marga Chiaro, Mariela Díaz, Virginia Entesano y Mirta Taberna. Dirección: Claudia Quiroga