
Archival montage, science fiction, and an homage to 70s feminist filmmaking are woven together to form this haunting and lyrical essay film excavating hidden histories of childbirth in the twentieth century.

Liebe Freunde von Theater Unikate,

heute möchte ich Sie zu einer virtuellen Theater-Reise einladen, denn einige meiner Produktionen sind jetzt zum ersten Mal auf You-Tube zu sehen.

Ein besonderes Vergnügen: WARUM DAS KIND IN DER POLENTA KOCHT - zum letzten Mal hüpft hier die bezaubernde Gipsy über die Bühne. (weitere Links unten)

Ihre Gilla Cremer

Dear International Friends and Colleagues:



a performing archive

A performing archive is part of the long-term project re.act.feminism.

(Sewing Marat/Sade) performed by Kerensa Dewantoro, Sugiyanti Ariani

DararhRouge Presents "Menjahit Marat/Sade" Indonesian Version below


... documentation from the seventh Transit festival

The seventh Transit Festival - "Risk - Crisis - Invention" - has now finished; participants from around the world are on their homeward journeys. Once again it has been an intense two weeks, packed with inspiring performances and presentations, as well meetings and reunions. Documentation is slowly being gathered.

a Women in Pregnancy Performance


at the Transit Festival

The work demonstration The Dead Brother, today, May the 29th 2013, was dedicated by Julia Varley to Franca Rame, a magnificent actress, a great friend, a strong and wonderful woman, who died today.



Lettera d'amore per Dario


a new gallery of images from L.M.H.C

Women in Pregnancy
