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Nous fêterons le 3 mai cet anniversaire avec tous celles et ceux qui ont collaboré avec VP au long de ces années, et qui nous accompagnés et soutenus. Et nous imaginerons les 30 prochaines années!
Contributions including essays, poetry, personal narratives, and more are invited for an edited collection with the working title "Mothering in a Time of Climate Change Precarity".
Notre nouvelle résidente est définitivement curieuse : basée à Bruxelles, Maïté Minh Tâm Jeannolin développe sa pratique artistique aux croisées de la danse (elle a notamment étudié à P.A.R.T.S.), de la performance, de la vidéo, de la photographie, et de la programmation.
This photo of me was taken on a Norfolk beach by Simon Richardson. It's the cover shot for the album that's coming out shortly called "from somewhere to everywhere". I've just today loaded it up for its digital release, date to be announced shortly.
For those interested in having a little fun at home during this strange time of omicron lockdown, for those looking for something different at home to do with you and your kids, .. join us on the 26th and 27th of Feb!
Sandra Pasini from Teatret OM has just returned from in India, where she and Parvathy Baul have been rehearsing their upcoming concert performance "Serenades".
On the 3rd of December 2021 an official meeting was held at Holstebro Art Museum for the creation of the association Transit Next Forum - Theatre and Women, based in Denmark and closely connected to the Magdalena Project.