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call for scholarly essays on performance, dance, film, new media, and the performance of everyday life from interdisciplinary feminist perspectives
Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory seeks scholarly essays on performance, dance, film, new media, and the performance of everyday life from interdisciplinary feminist perspectives. We encourage dialogues between varied fields of performance scholarship (i.e., performance studies; theatre, dance, and music history and criticism; ethnography; cinema and cultural studies; as well as queer and post-colonial theory), and explore critiques of race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, technology, and nation. The journal is a peer-reviewed, tri-annual publication with fo
Een workshop om de creatie van komische personajes en situaties uit te oefenen door de klassieke technieken van de Commedia dell´ Arte. Gericht op acteurs, dancers, theaterstudenten, docenten en iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de Commedia.
Building Creative Communities: PETA’S Theater for Advocacy Work in Mekong compiles the experiences of Mekong creative communities in addressing gender and sexuality issues. It tackles the spread of virulent diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, and how the subregion’s cultural strenghts are harnessed in a bid to curb them. The 246-page book summarizes the five-year work of the PETA Mekong Partnership Program, which in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, facilitated inspiring encounters with Mekong artists and groups in the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Greetings, Stroke and tired by outside definitions, I strive for a contemporary history that will include my own take on myself.
Socially as well as economically. The dialogue brought about by the creative process and its sharing has been the platform granting me the most sane solution. Here I present: Excuse me Excuse us a multidisciplinary dialogue project with scholars, researchers and artists where knots received are untied & stated.