
The Telegraph reports that Sandi Toksvig is calling for the National Theatre to be renamed after “failing” to fully represent Britain because it is “ignoring” female writers and directors.

Ms Toksvig, founder of the Women’s Equality Party and who hosts television programmes including The Great British Bake Off, wrote that the theatre did not have the right to use ‘national’ in its title if it ignored half the population.

The Southbank theatre has unveiled six plays in its new programme of work, all written by men and only one involving a female director.





Scene Journal: On Sustainability


Callout for proposals on any angle covered by the

For developed understanding of public engagement
The Hawking Award for Developed Understanding of Public Engagement is named for Lucy Hawking, novelist and daughter of Stephen Hawking. This award reflects Lucy's qualities of reflexive, cooperative working, and her understanding of how to bring together research and engagement. It is given to an individual to acknowledge their critical thinking in the field of public engagement. 
funding for theatre performances world-wide


Looking for funding for your performing arts project?


Ibsen Awards offers funding of theatre performances world-wide.
Ibsen Scholarships are awarded projects that are innovative, act as incentives for critical discourse and are based on one or more of Henrik Ibsen's plays.


de Cristina Castrillo

Rastros – el mapa de un oficio

de Cristina Castrillo

sale finalmente en edición española

Elaborado como un pensamiento vivo, estos Rastros corren sobre mapas de una vida dedicada a comprender la necesidad de crear y de mirar hacia si mismos.

De memorias lejanas, de pasión y violencia, de sueños y logros, de exilio y muerte, estos mapas tratan de dibujar una particular relación con el oficio teatral.

Tantidhatri 2019 - Necesitamos Su Apoyo

Queridas Magdalenas

Queridas Magdalenas,

Theatre Residency

Magfest organizes a theatre residency (in Italian) inspired by the book "Raccontami Tu" by Maristella Lippolis and directed by Manuela Frontoni. The residency takes place in Pescara (Italy), 27-30 December 2018 and 2-5 January 2019. The call is open to all actors and actresses, detailed information in Italian here below and on

ENTROPIA Performing Arts Company, in collaboration with institutions and artists from the United Kingdom, Denmark and Spain and supported by the E.U. «Creative Europe» Cultural Programme, participates in the International Project EXTENDED UNIVERSE.

En el marco del Día internacional de la No violencia contra las Mujeres, la Corporación Colombiana de Teatro, estreno “Mujeres Rompiendo El Silencio”. Acompañando el performance 12 mujeres se raparon la cabeza en forma de protesta.
