WPI Call for Submissions

The 12th Women Playwrights International Conference will take place June 20-25 2021 in Montreal and applications for participation are now open to female, gender-fluid, non-binary and gender non-conforming playwrights.
We invite the playwrights of the world to write about anything that explores the spectrum of identity, be it about racialization, sexualization, class, gender, age, dis/ability, languageand so forth.
We invite you to think of these questions:
- What does racialization and sexualization mean now ? What does gender mean? How do weaccommodate our evolving ideas of gender and sexual identity in our writing? Is there a post-gendered future looming?
- What does it mean to be a woman playwright? What does it mean to be a feminist writer ?
- What does the idea of class mean and imply now ?
- What is the experience of dis/abled writers ? How does the body we inhabit inform our writing ?
- Do all stories have to be told through lived experience? Who gets to tell whose stories?
Women Playwrights International (WPI)is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to facilitating communication, opportunities to meet, to build networks, to create genuine, lasting contacts among women playwrights and theatre professionals from all over the world. This is donemainly through holding International Women Playwrights Conferences every 3 years at different locations around the world.
Click here for more information and submission guidelines or email: wpimontreal2021@gmail.com