Jill Greenhalgh ponders that, as we emerge from the pandemic into the new year, we are perhaps new people inhabiting new landscapes, having passed through the ‘portal’ as Arundhati Roy suggested.
Jill Greenhalgh pense que du fait que nous sortions de la pandémie, alors que nous entrons dans la nouvelle année, nous sommes peut-être dorénavant des personnes nouvelles, qui habitent de nouveaux paysages, car nous sommes passés à travers "le Portail", comme l'a suggéré Arundhati Roy.
Jill Greenhalgh pondera que, emergindo de uma pandemia para um novo ano, talvez sejamos novas pessoas habitando novas paisagens, havendo passado pelo "portal" como Arundhati Roy sugeriu.
Jill Greenhalgh ponders that, as we emerge from the pandemic into the new year, we are perhaps new people inhabiting new landscapes, having passed through the ‘portal’ as Arundhati Roy suggested.