L'Arlecchino Errante Hypermasterclass on Commedia dell'Arte 2017
1 October 2017 to 21 October 2017
Scuola Sperimentale dell'Attore, Pordenone
Web site:
Dear Friends, Colleagues and Bodies,
Porto Arlecchino is pleased to help disseminate the call for registrations to the Hypermasterclass of the XXI edition of L'ARLECCHINO ERRANTE 2017, innovation workshop on Commedia dell'Arte that this year will be held from 1 to October 21, conceived and Organized by the Scuola Sperimentale dell'Attore of Pordenone. Below you will find all the educational program, lesson topics and masters, information for subscriptions, discounts, booking accommodations and participation in the competition for 4 scholarships. First in Italian and then in English, you will also find all the addresses where you can make your requests. All information can also be viewed on the related website: Arlecchino Errante Masterclass
Workshop of innovation on Commedia dell'Arte
Year XXI: "Truer than Truth"
After the turning point of the twenty years, the memorable international campus on Commedia dell'Arte in Pordenone renovates itself. In some ways recalling its origins: we go back to October, from 1st to 21st. And also focusing attention on the formula, with sites of rise and drop. Hyper-Masterclass, not super or ultra. Therefore, no arrogance, but, as in computer science, nonlinear supply of instructive, scientific and poetic information, provided with logical and intuitive connections that may allow the pupil to build up a personal independent path. The theme for 2017 is Truer than Truth, in other words the actor as an hypersensitive machine, with roundtrip journeys between the soul and the puppet, and vice versa. The Hyper-masterclass 2017 offers three levels of experience: stages, lectures/conferences and show. Today we are going to introduce you to our stages time table. Truer than Truth, to the Soul's Zenith and the Puppet. (Notice. Soul, from dictionary: the vital principle of the living being...)
1, 2, 3 October:
Lucia Zaghet - Dances from the world and acrobatics' s elements for Commedia dell'Arte
4, 5, 6, 7 October:
Claudia Contin Arlecchino - Artistic / anthropological recreation of the 10 iconic universal characters of Commedia dell'Arte and Ferruccio Merisi - Voices of the characters, training of the characters, improvisation
8, 9, 10, 11 October:
Natalie Yalon (Studio Michael Chekhov Brussels) - The Art of Transformation
12 October:
Claudia Contin Arlecchino - The Secrets on making and using Leather Masks
13, 14, 15, 16 October:
Carles Cañellas (Rocamora Theater Barcelona) - Master Puppet
17, 18, 19, 20, 21 October:
Ferruccio Merisi and Claudia Contin Arlecchino - Principles and examples of scenic creation and actor's dramaturgy with the Masks from yesterday and tomorrow
• Registration for the course closes on October 15th, 2017
• You can subscribe to the entire workshop or at the single periods (or theme): October from 1st to 3rd (with Lucia Zaghet); October from 4th to 7th (with Claudia Contin Arlecchino and Ferruccio Merisi); October from 8th to 11th (with Natalie Yalon); October 12th (single event, with Claudia Contin Arlecchino); October from 13th to 16th (with Carles Canellas); October from 17th to 21st (with Ferruccio Merisi and Claudia Contin Arlecchino)
• The registration to the last period is reserved to the people who have selected the entire path, or to everyone who has already take part to a L'Arlecchino Errante Masterclass or lastly to someone who has already take part to a crash course with Claudia Contin Arlecchino and Ferruccio Merisi
Entire Workshop: € 800
Period October from 1st to 3rd: € 150
Period October from 4th to 7th: € 200
Single Event October 12th: € 60
Other periods: € 250
• 20% discount to the people who subscribe by September 1st
• 40% discount to the people who bring one or more friends and collegues from the same Company, Group or Organization ecc. (the discount is not relevant for the single event of October 12th)
• The accommodation is free for everyone who attends the entire period (limited location, we are going to reserve the place only for the first 10 requests)
• Facilitate accommodation for the people who make their request by September 10th
WARNING: discount cannot be combined with others!
The registration gives upright to take part to all the Festival's exhibitions free of charge, but they must be attribute to the period of registration. People also can obtain discounts for the shows from other periods.
The program of the Festival with all the shows from the Masters will be revelated at the press conference on September 5th, 2017.
Below you'll find the Scholarships Regulation: n° 4 scholarship for € 500 each.
Address: Scuola Sperimentale dell'Attore - Via Tiziano 15 - 33170 Pordenone PN - Italy
Info: +39 / 0434 520074 - 340 9330447; lab@hellequin.it
In order to receiving the form for the registration press the following link:
In order to receiving the form for the registration press the following link: