Performances, masterclasses, workdemonstrations, with Julia Varley (Odin Teatret), Carolina Pizarro (Chile), Ana Wolf (Argentina), Geddy Aniksdal, and Anette Röde Hagnell (Grenland Friteater) , and a concert with Kine Hjeldnes.
Friday 22.april
18:00 Julia Varley (Odin teatret, Dk): The flying carpet
«Text is a carpet that has to fly far away…». This work demonstration is about text and takes us through Julias 30 years of work at Odin Teatret, from litterature to the theatre space. From cold words on a piece of paper, to the freedom of interpretation. Les mer
19:30 Geddy Aniksdal and Anette Röde Hagnell (GF): Sanger av Bråk og Tausheit – a vocal examination
22:00 Kine Hjeldnes Trio: Concert
Saturday 23.april
12:00 Carolina Pizarro (Chile): From Amagaki to Shibugaki – Geography of a training –
Workdemonstration Les mer
14:00 Ana Wolf (Argentina): Behind the Curtains Workdemonstration. Les mer
17:00 Samtalerom. Personal meetings with the artists
20:00 Julia Varley: Ave Maria Theatre performance directed by Eugenio Barba. Les mer
Sunday 24.april
11:00 Julia Varley: The echo of silence Masterclass about the voice. For professional actors and singers Les mer
14:00 Grenland Friteater: No doctor for the Dead Theatreconcert with Geddy Aniksdal and Anette Röde, directed by Tor Arne Ursin.
It will be possible to buy lunch/dinner at nice prices in Friteatrets Café
Festivalpass for all three days: 1000 kr (500 kr youth/ stud)
Dayspass 350 kr/ (175 youth/ stud)
Only Ave Maria with Julia Varley: 220 kr (110 youth/ stud)
NB! Few seats.
Pass can be booked at tel. 35 93 21 00 workdays 10-14
el mail to anette.rode@grenlandfriteater.com