Sound? Noise! Voice!

The January 2016 issue of n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal (Volume 37) is on Sound? Noise! Voice!
This volume is on the subject of sound in visual artworks by contemporary women artists.
Artist’s Pages by:
Jill Scott on ‘AURALROOTS’
Annea Lockwood ‘Jitterbug : the score’
Essays include:
Marie Thompson on ‘Creaking, Growling: feminine noisiness and vocal fry in the music of Joan La Barbara and Runhild Gammelsæter’
Sylvia Lacerte on ‘The soundscapes in Vera Frenkel’s itinerary’
Annie Goh on ‘GenDyTrouble: Cyber*Feminist Computer Music’
Suzanne Herrera Li Puma on ‘Not Spelling it Out: Mira Schendel’s Humor’
Vanessa Gravenor on ‘Monika Weiss’ Two Laments‘
Irene Noy on ‘A Sound Walk into Susan Hiller’s Monument (1980-81)’
Interviews by:
Sarah Frost ‘Symphony, Encounter, Memory: An Interview with Gisela Weimann’
Sally Deskins ‘Multimedia collaborations: An interview with Elise Kermani and Evelin Stermitz’
9 women artists were specially invited to discuss a recent work where sound is a strong element of the work:
‘Maia Urstad on her work: Nullmeridianens tilbakekomst/ Return of the zero meridian
Tansy Spinks on Leeds! Leeds! Leeds! and
Luz María Sánchez on Vis (un)necessary force.[V. (u)NF_**]‘
Pamela Z on Memory Trace
Ros Bandt on Finding MEDEA
Camille Norment on ‘Lull’
Jodi Rose on her Sound Art and the Devil’s Bridge
Kaffe Matthews on ‘The moving street is an algorithm’
Katrinem on SchuhzuGehör_path of awareness‘ pp.72-77
Full content here:
n.paradoxa is available to purchase in print and online.
This volume marks 19 years of publication for this journal on feminism and art practice by contemporary women artists.