Tales of Bread and Blood
Dramaturgy, directing and acting - Sanja Krsmanović Tasić
Video - Miloš Tomić
Video Clip “Hero of all Wars”- Iva Musović
Music and visual support – Jugoslav Hadžić
Visual identity and program design - Anastasia Tasić
The performance Tales of Bread and Blood is a project conceived by DAH Theatre’s actress Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, that came as a result of many years of research of personal, family and collective history of Serbian nation, especially the period of Balkan Wars, First World War and Tito's Yugoslavia.
It is also a specific analysis, in artistic form, of the concept of HEROES, of what it is to belong to a certain nation, fatherland, and the author’s personal reflections over these concepts and phenomena.
She tells a story of courageous Sofija Jovanović, a warrior on the Thessaloniki front, author’s grand grandmother and so many other stories that are closely linked and complementary.
The author calls her work and »essay in movement« and explains: “An essay in movement is a narrative scenic event, in which, through artistic expression, true events and concepts are told with a (self) critical reflection, through elements of personal history put into a context of historic events that have influenced it directly. Movement and dance have always been my primary form of expression; hence the essay has to be written in movement. As with any essay, this one will also contain footnotes that will, on request, be presented in the space, so that this essay will have as it’s ending its own revelation, part by part.”
The play is supported by of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Secretariat of Culture of the City of Belgrade and City Council Vrača.
More information on the DAH Teater web site: http://www.dahteatarcentar.com/predstave/krv_hleb_srp.html