Rites of Passage Schools 2012
These intensive 4 day workshops (there is also one in June) will examine the Hows and Whys of ceremony and celebration in a practical and experiential way. We will investigate how both positive and negative life events can be distilled into myth and poetry and create meaningful rituals to contain them. Gilly Adams and Sue Gill will offer insights into the cognitively rich world of the secular celebrant, sharing their experience, offering theory, information, and – they hope – inspiration. Most crucially, the workshops will be shaped to fulfil the needs and aspirations of participants so there will be plenty of opportunities to learn and practise many aspects of the craft of creating ceremony – both public and private - in a safe environment.
Food is always a key element in ceremony and celebration and, since we will be eating lunch and supper together, feasting will be a special theme.
The working day will be from 10a.m. to 9p.m. except on the last day when we will finish at 2p.m.
Workshop fees –
include tuition, materials, meals and refreshments:
There are 12 places available for each School, at a range of fees **
3 Earlybird places @ £325
4 Mid price places @ £350
5 Full price places @ £375
** Places will be allocated on a strictly first come, first served basis. Please check the website to see what is still available. To secure your place, send a Cheque, made payable to SUE GILL, to her at: The Beach House, Swinestead Lane, Baycliff, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 9RY
Accommodation is not included, but we can book it for you:
Swarthmoor Hall is a 16th century country house, surrounded by peaceful gardens, on the Furness Peninsula, known as the cradle of the Quaker Movement. Accommodation is arranged in suites each with 3 or 4 single occupancy bedrooms and a shared kitchen to make breakfast, at a total cost of between £72 - £95 per person for 4 nights. Camping in the meadow costs £15 per night, with access to shower and kitchen.
East Woodlands Village Hall is on the edge of the Longleat Estate and has a very particular, rural character. There is some accommodation in the immediate vicinity or in the nearby town of Frome.
To express interest and/or for further information please contact
Sue Gill foxandgill@btinternet.com 01229 869769
Gilly Adams gillyadams@tiscali.co.uk 02920 552389