March newsletter intro from Sandra Pasini

hi dear translators,

here is the march newsletter intro, from Sandra Pasini (below). Please remember to leave a comment here if you are translating it.


helen : )


Notes for a moment of chaos

By Sandra Pasin
Translated by Leo Sykes

Please note that this is an abridged version. The complete version is here in English and Italian.

In a period like the one we are living in, permeated by the absurd experience of Covid, this worldwide political wave that does not protect anything that is essential, such as nature that surrounds us, how can I be present and still believe in a future?

I asked myself this about three years ago, both as a person and as an artist, and I also came to the point where I asked myself why I make theatre.

The Teatret OM of which I am the artistic director, is based in Denmark. Seventeen years ago we became a regional theatre sponsored by the state. This was a desire, a dream realized after many years of work, to be able to live off our work and have our own theatre.

At the beginning of our contract as a regional theatre we dedicated two years (with interruptions) to work on a performance, in concentrated solitude. I thought it would be a beautiful memory of our beginning.

In 2020 I was in India for three weeks in the Parvathy Baul Ashram. The first time I met Parvathy was at Transit in 2009, and we continued to meet over the years. In 2020 we decided to make a piece of work together.

That desire was immediately crushed by Covid, but it transformed into a dream. A desire is different than a dream; a desire is something more terrestial, something to walk along- nearer. A dream is something more distant, something you must fly towards, and you must build wings in order to do this.

We continued to meet online, and honestly at a certain point I thought we would not continue, but the dream came true and is called “Like a Lily” and will have its premiere in April 2023. It is a concert-performance that others have also believed and invested in. Francesca Romana Rietti and Roberto Diana were faithful companions on this uncertain path with no horizon.

Alliances must continue to exist even when they are blocked by events that are bigger than us.

