Verdecoprente festival.0
'In un paesaggio che si fa teatro e in un teatro che si fa paesaggio si nutre e si rispecchia una comunità. Riuniti intorno ad un'idea di cultura, siamo attori del presente'.
We believe it is essential to listen to places in order to understand what they can tell us, to envision them in different seasons, to nourish different kinds of cultivation which may become part of them and thus of the countryside, too. We believe that this is the only way to accomplish that art and culture will be understood as indispensable elements fitting social needs.
Verdecoprente Festival.0
is dedicated to countryside that nourishes us, to spaces where culture and nature meet while assuming a distinct shape within the language of contemporary theatre, art and poetry. Thus the acted, spoken and sung theatre, performance, sonorous and visible landscapes, multimedia installations and specific sites are the written compositions afield.