Odin Teatret Call for Participants, Cohabitation on Theatrical Structure

COHABITATION ON THEATRICAL STRUCTURE Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Denmark 18-25 April 2018 EIGHT DAYS SEEING AGAIN AND AGAIN, ANALYSING AND WORKING ON A THEATRICAL STRUCTURE WITH EUGENIO BARBA AND ODIN TEATRET'S ACTORS For 20 participants Cohabitation aims to create a work milieu which functions also as a "collective mind". All participants are involved with Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret actors to reflect practically, theoretically and sensorially on a theatrical structure on the basis of their individual experience. At the same time the participants will take part in the rehearsals of a new performance directed by Eugenio Barba with actor Else Marie Laukvik - one of Odin Teatret's founders - and musician Frans Winther. The title is-THE DEAFMAN'S HOUSE and it is based on the Spanish painter Francisco Goya's life and artistic carrier.
In theatre, we can speak of a "collective mind" when an ensemble of motivated people is engaged in a creative process which doesn't aim at realising an already clearly defined dramaturgical structure. A "collective mind" integrates different specialisations, various degrees of experience and diverse responsibilities in an assembling process similar to that which happens in the individual mind in the course of invention: sudden changes of direction, detours, exploitation of serendipitous effects, leaps from one level of organisation to another (pre-expressive level, organic dramaturgy, narrative dramaturgy, shaping of the space, musical universe, etc.).
Participants who are actors must bring a theatrical structure consisting of a scene made for the occasion on the theme "A journey". The scene should last a maximum of three minutes and include text and a song.
Participants who are directors must present a concrete problem or a solution concerning one of their performances through speech, video or photographs. The speech should last a maximum of five minutes. The scenes and speeches will be presented for Eugenio Barba, the Odin actors and the other participants on the morning the day after arrival. Odin Teatret actors and Eugenio Barba will respond to the scenes throughout the following days' programme.
During the Cohabitation, Odin Teatret will show the following performances: The Chronic Life and Inside the Skeleton of the Whale. The participants will be able to see the performances again and again and thus begin to distinguish the different layers, relationships and elements that compose the whole.
Eugenio Barba and the actors will analyse each performance from the perspective of the actor, director, text, space, music, and the overall montage. The flowing continuity of each element that builds the complex structure of a performance will be examined in relation to simultaneity to see how the different elements interact and blend.
18.4 Wednesday Arrival between 9:00 and 15:00 16:00 First meeting with Eugenio Barba and practical organisation with Luis Alonso 19:00 THE CHRONIC LIFE, ensemble performance by Odin Teatret 21:00 Welcome meal
19.4 Thursday 8:00- 9:15 Training with Donald Kitt 9:30-10:45 Training with Carolina Pizarro 11:00-13:00 Participants show their scenes to Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret actors 15:30-18:30 Collective Mind with Eugenio Barba, rehearsing THE DEAFMAN'S HOUSE with Else Marie Laukvik and Frans Winther 19:00 THE CHRONIC LIFE, ensemble performance by Odin Teatret
20.4 Friday 8:00- 9:15 Training with Donald Kitt 9:30-10:45 Training with Carolina Pizarro 11:00-13:00 Discussing THE CHRONIC LIFE with Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret's actors 15:00-18:30 Collective Mind with Eugenio Barba, rehearsing THE DEAFMAN'S HOUSE with Else Marie Laukvik and Frans Winther 19:00 THE CHRONIC LIFE, ensemble performance by Odin Teatret
21.4 Saturday 8:00- 9:15 Training with Donald Kitt 9:30-10:45 Training with Carolina Pizarro 11:00-13:00 Work on individual scenes with Iben Nagel Rasmussen 15:00-16:30 Work on musical structure with Jan Ferslev 17:00-18:30 Collective Mind with Eugenio Barba, rehearsing THE DEAFMAN'S HOUSE with Else Marie Laukvik and Frans Winther 19:00 The Dead Brother, a work demonstration with Julia Varley about the relationship between actor's material and text
22.4 Sunday 8:00- 9:15 Training with Donald Kitt 9:30-10:45 Training with Carolina Pizarro 11:00-13:00 Work on individual scenes with Julia Varley 15:00-18:30 Collective Mind with Eugenio Barba, rehearsing THE DEAFMAN'S HOUSE with Else Marie Laukvik and Frans Winther 19:00 Quasi Orpheus, the Actor-Musician, a work demonstration with Jan Ferslev, about the relationship between actor's material and music
23.4 Monday 8:00- 9:15 Training with Donald Kitt 9:30-10:45 Training with Carolina Pizarro 11:00-13:00 Work on individual scenes with Roberta Carreri 15:00-16:30 Work on individual scenes with Kai Bredholt 17:00-18:00 The spectator's perception with Eugenio Barba 19:00 INSIDE THE SKELETON OF THE WHALE, ensemble performance by Odin Teatret
24.4 Tuesday 8:00- 9:15 Training with Donald Kitt 9:30-10:45 Training with Carolina Pizarro 11:00-13:00 Work on individual scenes with Tage Larsen 15.00-16:30 Work on musical structure with Elena Floris 17:00-18:30 The spectator's perception with Eugenio Barba 19:00 INSIDE THE SKELETON OF THE WHALE, ensemble performance by Odin Teatret
25.4 Wednesday 9:00-11:00 Discussing INSIDE THE SKELETON OF THE WHALE with Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret's actors 11:15-12:15 Conclusions 12:30-13:30 Farewell meal Departure
Participants should arrive by 3:00 pm on 17th of April 2017 and departure is on the 25th of April after lunch. Working hours will be 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Each evening a performance will be scheduled at 7:00 pm.
The working language will be English.
Applications together with a short CV should to be sent by 30th March 2015. An answer concerning the participation will be sent by 2nd of April and the participation fee must be paid by April 5th. Applications must be addressed to Luis Alonso luis@odinteatret.dk and marked COHABITATION. The participants will be accepted giving priority to the first to send the applications.
FEE: DKK 4,500 (equivalent to about 600 Euro). The fee includes the work sessions, performances, Spartan accommodation in rooms with two or more beds, and the possibility of cooking in the theatre's kitchen. The whole amount must be paid by April 5th, on receiving the letter of acceptation. Participants will be involved in the daily routine at the theatre including practical tasks and cleaning during the pauses.
P.O.Box 1283 DK-7500 Holstebro · Denmark Tlf. +45 97424777 · Fax +45 97410482 ![]()