Fémina in-máscara
III° Encuentro Internacional de Comedia del Arte de Sevilla 2022
25 March 2022 to 2 April 2022
Claudia Contin Arlecchino and Luca Fantinutti
will be present at the
III° Encuentro Internacional
de Comedia del Arte de Sevilla 2022
de Comedia del Arte de Sevilla 2022
a festival dedicated this year to the theme
"Fémina in-máscara"

masterclass for "Theater World Day" at the Escuela de Artes Dramático, conference-performance "The inhabitants of Arlecchinia" at the Facultad de Flilología de la Universidad de Sevilla, round table "Fémina in-máscara", conference "Generations of Women between Comedy and Tragedy of Art" at the CIRAE de Andalucía, final great show "Neither Maid nor Mistress" at the TNT hall of Atalaya Teatro.
The Festival directed by Juan Luis Corrientes is rich in many events, with the presence of international artists and companies that you can find downloading the full programme
Encuentro Comedia del Arte Sevilla
Tel. (+34) 954 45 53 24
Whatsapp: (+34) 656 59 35 13
email: mac_arena@hotmail.com
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