Legacy & Challenge
Since 1986, hundreds of Magdalena festivals, gatherings and events have happened across the world - made possible through the fortitude of some extraordinary women artists defiantly determined to give an equality of voice to women’s performance.
Legacy & Challenge honoured all these women, their theatre and their knowledge, and brought many of them together in Cardiff - the Project’s birthplace. We proceeded with the festival despite the difficult financial realities in the UK; so many insisted that we mark this milestone and CELEBRATE all that has been achieved.
- Photos on Flickr by Katharina Barbosa
- Invitation pdf 18.26KB
- Programme brochure pdf 800KB
- The Challenge of Streaming, Helen Varley Jamieson
- Visibilizada y oida, Ana Correa
- Playing with the Dead - Deborah Hunt's workshop
- Per gemmazione carsica - The Magdalena Project a Cardiff, by Selene D'Agostino (in Italian)
- Una mirada hacia la Red Magdalena, por Marisa Naspolini (en español, traducción del portugués de Brasil por Nieves Mateo)
Legacy and Challenge was organised and produced by The Magdalena Project Wales Board: Gilly Adams, Vanya Constant, Jill Greenhalgh, Frances Medley, Jill Piercy, Steve Robins and Siân Thomas; and by Web Queen Helen Varley Jamieson.