Re-Purposing Suzuki: A Hybrid Approach to Actor Training

TítuloRe-Purposing Suzuki: A Hybrid Approach to Actor Training
Tipo de publicaçãoBook
Year of Publication2022
CityNew York
Palavras chaveSuzuki


Re-Purposing Suzuki introduces a system of text analysis

that synthesizes physical, psychological, and vocal

components in order to truthfully embody heightened

texts and contexts. By understanding how the author has

re-purposed Suzuki and other physical training methods,

as well as Stanislavski, readers will gain an awareness of

how to analyze a particular training method by

extrapolating its key components and integrating it into a

holistic, embodied approach to text analysis. This is a source

book for actors, theatre students, practitioners, and

educators interested in assembling tools derived from

different sources to create alternative approaches to actor
