Women & Performance Journal seeks contributions

We are pleased to introduce a new section, simply titled “&,” to the regular table of contents of Women & Performance. This section features a wide array of critical engagements that move beyond the invaluable, but nonetheless narrowly conceived, work of the 7,000-word, peer-reviewed, scholarly article. In “&,” you'll find artists' statements, polemics, review essays, performance texts, manifestoes, feminist and queer takes on current events and debates, and other modes of intellectual production that are too wily to conform to the standard model of academic publishing or that perform feminist theory along different lines of flight, at different speeds, in rogue forms. We are continuing to curate submissions for this section. If you have questions, or items you'd like us to consider, please contact managingeditor@womenandperformance.org.
For further information please visit our website at www.womenandperformance.org or contact:
Women & Performance
665 Broadway, Suite 665
New York, NY 10012
All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.