Women for Afghan Women

Our work in Palestine inspires us, and also reminds us of the ongoing plight of Afghan women and girls! Since the Taliban's takeover two years ago, women are homebound, forbidden from even going to a park with their children, usual destinations for a sunny summer’s day! Talented, educated women can no longer work in their professions; girls are banned from school.
Immediately following the Taliban takeover, we began raising funds to help women who had been sole supporters of their families. Your generous support has provided food, health care, visas, books, and other essentials for Afghan women and their families. And we continue our efforts to extricate women, artists and journalists who are targets for Taliban cruelty, out of Afghanistan.
Right here in NYC, we are happy to begin a new project with Women for Afghan Women, providing theatre workshops to 20 senior Afghan women who are acclimating to new lives in the US. This collaboration continues our partnership with WAW which began in Afghanistan a decade ago. The 4-month program still needs $4,500 in funding, and we kindly ask for your support. Together, we can nurture these resilient women through the gift of theatre, dance, and song!
In these challenging times, your generosity remains the cornerstone of our impact. We are immensely grateful for your continued support as we strive to bring hope, healing, and peace to communities around the world.
With gratitude,
the Bond Street Theatre family
Young actors in Herat working on the play they will perform in the Herat Women's Prison. Most of these young actors are now safely in other countries, but sad to leave their homes.