Sending hope to Ukraine

Our hearts go out to our partners in Ukraine - two creative organizations dedicated to using theatre and film for education and social justice, and nurturing the artistic growth of youth across the country. Teatr Zoloti Vorota and Art Prostir Gamak, we are with you.
After a year of planning our collaboration, sponsored by the US Embassy in Kyiv, the project was scheduled to begin in a few days -- on Monday, March 28th.
The program, Education in Action, would have trained youth in six cities across the country in leadership and advocacy skills, and addressed social justice issues such as gender inequality and domestic violence.
We are incredibly grateful to BST Communications Associate, Nina Rosstalnyj, who has close ties to Ukraine, and worked tirelessly to organize the artistic project.
"We try to have hope for Victory soon," says Margarita-Yulia Bilyk, founder of Art Prostir Gamak, which organizes events for artists from cities around the country.
We try to remain hopeful and lend our support as much as possible during this crisis.
We send our hopes to Teatr Zoloti Vorota and Art Prostir Gamak for their safety and continued theatre work for peace and social justice in a free and independent Ukraine.

Submitted by BondStreetTheatre on 25 March 2022.