
A film produced by Jill Greenhalgh and Sara Penrhyn Jones.
Depicting the Magdalena Project in one film seems impossible, considering its historic and geographical spread, and its multilingual and evolving nature. Magdalena is a thirty minute documentary, created as a collaboration between Magdalena Founding Artistic Director, Jill Greenhalgh, and filmmaker Sara Penrhyn Jones. Using footage gathered by Sara from two Magdalena festivals in 2011 (Wales and Cuba), a story is woven, which historicises the project, and conveys something of the spirit which has kept the network relevant in a changing environment.
Submitted by helen on 29 August 2013.
Thanks so much for sharing
Thanks so much for sharing this doco here Helen. What a fantastic celebration of Magdalena and an inspiration for women yet to join. Thanks again. Gillian
thanks gillian - but i only
thanks gillian - but i only posted it on the web site which was the easy part; jill & sara did the work to create the film, & of course everyone who was interviewed or featured & everyone else who wasn't but who has contributed to magdalena being what it is :) glad you like it! :)