31 August 2014 to 21 September 2014
Pordenone, Italy
Web site:
Commedia dell'Arte for the Future Actor
The eighteenth edition of the International Masterclass on Commedia dell'Arte, conducted by Claudia Contin Arlecchino and Ferruccio Merisi, will take place from August 31 to September 21 in Pordenone.
The long workshop will encompass the original reconstruction of the "masked characters" developed by the two hosts in thirty years of research and production. As always the pupils will have the possibility to follow an interesting programme of performances and meetings, with companies and researchers from the whole world, in the week-ends till September 14, following the Festival "L'Arlecchino Errante" (The Wandering Harlequin).
Both Festival and Masterclass, as every year, have a theme: this year we speak about plural, the theatrical virtue that spans from company to cooperation, and that establishes a collective, armonic and creative scenic dignity. Therefore the "Guest Maestro", responsible of monographic seminar into the Masterclass, will be an important international expert in collective scenic composition.
Claudia Contin Arlecchino and Ferruccio Merisi, in offering their ever-changing and demanding voyage into the bodies, characters, masks, voices, gesture and improvisation strategies in the name of a today relevant and historically respectful Commedia dell'Arte, will be aided by Lucia Zaghet and the other colleagues from the Scuola Sperimentale dell'Attore (Experimental Actor's School).
Also this year we can offer bargain accomodation in the University campus in walking distance from the location of the Masterclass.
Registrations open on June 10 and close on August 15.
10% discount for early enrolment (before July 15) and to Coop members.
Attention: Scolarship contest for two participants opening on June 1st!
For more information: lab@hellequin.it
The complete programme on: www.arlecchinoerrante.com from May 30.