Blog de Suzon Fuks

Ya-Ling Peng and I first collaborated in 2017 when I recited part of a poem that Ya-Ling was presenting at the Magdalena International Women in Performance festival in Argentina. In 2021, Ya-Ling wrote and recited a poem as part of my online performance ‘Be Like Body–Obsolete #4’, presented in 4 international festivals. SEE PHOTOS HERE(link is external)

Me gustaría compartir algunas ideas después de mi participación en el Festival Mestiza Chile, organizado en torno a la “Memoria y Resistencia”. Un tema importante en estos tumultuoso tiempos, justo después de las elecciones brasileras, y el ascenso de la extrema derecha en otros lugares, inclusive en Australia.

Suzon Fuks shares a few thoughts following her participation in Mestiza Chile Festival 2018, organised around “Memory and Resistance”, an important theme in this tumultuous time, just after the Brazilian elections, and the rise of the extreme-right elsewhere including in Australia.

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