
Brest Stories Guide made by theatre Kryly Khalopa was included in the top 10 of Art in Central Europe 2017.

To read more, follow the link:

The interview with Aksana Haiko from the Belarusian theatre Kryly Khalopa for the Open Democracy. How the theatre works with the memory.

Amnesia: a key feature of Belarusian memory

This Helen Varley Jamieson sure does know how to jump in the deep end. To extend a Magdalena event for three months is no easy feat especially with limited resources and personal. My hat off to her.

We are now one week into the Magdalena München Saison 2018, and already a lot has happened! The February artists have arrived in Munich and settled into the Villa Waldberta in Feldafing, and their performances, workshops and projects are underway.

Geddy Aniksdal wishes that we may all be strong/firm with persistence - the festivals we might organize; the books we want to and will write and with the fights we may have to get funded. The new performances that we will make. The need to be together, the friendship we share. May we be strong and firm and persistent in the meetings, the exchange that has fuelled and fed us for many, many years now.

Ruby Brunton performs her poem "Afixed" and contemplates how smart, independent women can end up in abusive relationships.

Um novembro intenso para o Magdalena Project

November 2017 has been a busy period for The Magdalena Project: four festivals happening at the same time in Argentina, in Germany, in Italy and in Brazil.


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